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Cleaning up html
Added by Brian Schwartz over 8 years ago
Sometimes, when you convert a document, you'll get some ugly 'old school' html that you'll want to clean up.
"Dr. Latham has crafted a book that gives leaders and organization architects at all levels."
And you want:
"Dr. Latham has crafted a book that gives leaders and organization architects at all levels."
The tool you want that makes this a piece of cake is at:
Replies (2)
RE: Cleaning up html
Added by Michael Hotchkiss over 8 years ago
Did this happen when you run a docx through a specific markup converter?
RE: Cleaning up html
Added by Brian Schwartz over 8 years ago
It did actually - I received a file from a client in MS Word, and ran it through the Word to MD converter and the result was all that old school HTML. It probably would work fine, but it makes it hard to proof a document. So the fix was to run the result I got back through Dan's tool.