


Advantages eBooks provide Authors (beyond the profit of the ebook alone)

Added by Brian Schwartz over 8 years ago

Here's some additional 'perks' of having a Kindle edition of book that you may not be aware of:

1. Amazon indexes Kindle books, thus, they show up more frequently. This results in better SEO on

2. Because Amazon makes more profit on Kindle books, they tend to rank them higher than books-in-print in search results, and if the shopper owns a Kindle, Kindle books will always outrank books in print.

3. Given the ability to offer a lower price, ebooks lower the barrier to entry. New readers are more likley to give a new book a chance at a lower price, and often will buy in print once they are sold the value of it's content.

4. You can offer an even lower Kindle price using MatchBook, when people buy the print book, thus increasing the value of the print edition.

5. Offers a lower cost method of sending out reviewer copies. Also, Amazon reminds Kindle readers to post a review increasing your review-per-reader ratio.

6. Amazon gives authors/publishers a cost-effective marketing channel via KDP that you can't get elsewhere, where you can:

All in all, it gives you a lot more 'leverage' in the world of online marketing.
